These are the Only Foundations That Don't Irritate My Perioral Dermatitis
If perioral dermatitis could write, it would type in Comic Sans MS with the caps lock always on. It’s a peculiar, goofy-looking thing that, unfortunately, just can’t be ignored. Like set-dressing at a Halloween store, the red, flaky, burning rash around the nose, mouth, and chin lurks when you least expect it to. Some mornings I’ll wake up thinking I’m okay, and then upon closer look, I see the redness and bump—like a parking space you think is open, but it’s actually taken up by a small motorcycle.
And while finding the cause of perioral dermatitis is basically walking through a faulty labyrinth with no exit route, I know that I have certain triggers (stress, late nights, gluten, and Vegas, to name a few). PD has a coven of cohorts, like atopic dermatitis (eczema) and seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff and facial redness/flaking). Medical studies show that they’re fungal cousins that all seem to compete for the title of Most Dreadful Skin Monster, but PD is my main nemesis.
Most dermatologists suggest makeup worsens and can seriously aggravate PD, but—surprise, dad!—I’m not a saint. If I listened to everything dermatologists have told me to do, I’d have a smaller chin and filler in my forehead. I’ve been known to cancel whole afternoons and evenings due to persnickety skin, but the practical reality is that I need to apply foundation and get on with the day. I wear makeup 90% of the time because 1) it’s my job to test products, and 2) I’m in love with makeup and nothing can stop me.
This is an excellent foundation. It was developed by a plastic surgeon and dermatologist in Beverly Hills for post-laser skin. Kourtney Kardashian has sung her praises of this foundation loudly, calling it her holy grail and revealing that sister Kendall uses it too (the formula for acne-prone skin).
I’ve used this over freshly micro-needled skin and have never broken out from it. The brand chalks this up to the proprietary oxygenating complex that allows skin to breathe through the product. This is a holy grail product, especially during a flare-up. (You can read my full review of Oxygenetix Oxygenating Foundation here.)